You turn off the radio, frustrated. It all seems to be the same old thing. You want to hear something new and interesting, or at least a new spin on the same topics.
If you’re looking to spice up your local radio channel, there are plenty of radio show ideas to explore. No matter what radio programming you choose, having enticing show topics is what will keep your listenership levels large.
Are you feeling stuck with brainstorming radio ideas? Don’t worry! Here are some of our favorite radio show ideas to help you make some changes to your radio show content.
1. Politics and News Galore
There is no shortage of world politics and news in 2020. A radio show sharing pertinent politics and news are in high demand, and you’re guaranteed to have a lot of people tuning in to get their fill.
From COVID-19 pandemic updates to exploding American politics and more, you will have plenty to talk about and share with your listeners. Check out our services to see how we can help you make your radio show ideas a reality.
2. Media: Movies, TV, and Music
Thanks to quarantine and nationwide lockdowns, many are turning to old comforts to get them through these times. One great example is Netflix streaming all of Avatar: The Last Airbender (in addition to the sequel The Legend of Korra). Returning to an old movie or TV show favorites with a fresh eye will appeal to a lot of listeners.
There are several different routes you can go. From character analysis to general rewatch commentary, you have a lot of material to work with.
You can also focus on music as well. It’s radio, so talking about your favorite music and playing it for your listeners will give them something to relax to! Maybe your listeners will discover new musicians to follow thanks to your suggestions.
3. Gamer Paradise
Quarantine means gamer paradise (well, maybe)! A radio show dedicated to the newest, up-to-date news in the gaming world will also bring in a lot of potential listeners.
Reviewing gameplay can help listeners decide if they want to play a game or not. It also provides listeners with any affirmations about how they feel about a game.
You can also speak about upcoming releases and what gamers are anticipating in terms of the game. Don’t be afraid to ask listeners what they would like to hear you talk about too in terms of gaming!
4. Appeal to Your Fellow Foodies
If you’re not a gamer, you’re definitely a foodie: who isn’t?
Talking about food isn’t just reviewing the taste of food. It can be sharing new recipes or speaking with cooking experts about tips and tricks.
Having a radio show about food should explore local options as well if your listenership is local. Supporting local businesses during these times will provide them with free advertising and will also incentivize them to recommend your radio show to potential views. It’s a win-win for everyone!
5. Radio Drama for Those Missing the Theater
The theaters are closed! Drama nerds everywhere are itching to be back listening to stories unfold onstage. Well, if people cannot gather in a theatre, they can listen to a radio show performing radio dramas.
Radio dramas are not a new concept. Because of the pandemic, podcasts and other radio shows are growing in popularity. Cater to a new audience with radio dramas.
From Orson Welles’ infamous War of the Worldsto new devised pieces, a radio drama could provide your listeners with some well-needed creative release.
6. The Sports Zone
There’s nothing wrong with having a good old sports radio show!
Between sports like baseball and football making returns amid the pandemic, you still have plenty to talk about. Analyze teams’ and players’ skills and project scores. Allow your viewers to call in to get their thoughts known too.
Better yet, consider talking about fantasy football line-ups and prospects as well!
7. Travel (But Not Today)
Travel isn’t an option right now due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but that doesn’t mean you can’t think about it!
A radio show focused on travel can provide listeners with travel tips on certain places, as well as showcase more unique travel destinations that listeners maybe aren’t familiar with.
Take time to acknowledge how the travel industry has been hurt but also the importance of staying safe during the pandemic.
8. Stay Healthy!
A health and lifestyle radio show isn’t a bad idea either. Given the current public health crisis with COVID-19, a show about staying healthy is important.
Talk about proper precautions to take to keep people and their communities safe. You can also explore which foods keep people more energized or helps to boost their general immunity. Bring medical experts on your show to give their point of view as well.
In terms of lifestyle, speak to how people are staying active despite the pandemic. You will inspire your listeners to take steps in their own lives to stay active too!
9. Listen to the Listener
If you are feeling unsure about content, you can always reach out to your listenership to see what they are interested in listening to.
Your listeners tune into your radio show because they are interested in what you have to say, so let them offer topics or suggestions on how to spice up your radio show a bit more. They know best, as the consumer!
No Shortage of Radio Show Ideas
Radio show ideas are plentiful. You can take your radio show in any direction you would like to. Most of these topics are flexible and won’t get old.
Are you looking for assistance on virtual PD, imaging/voice talent, or formats? Contact us so we can help you make the most of your radio show!
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